As our year comes to an end, the time to say goodbye to Kornelius has come. Another moment that will take a bit of getting used to.
Kornelius has often been like a quiet sentinel in the group. Not saying that he's always quiet ... he's not. Also not saying he stands back and watches ... sometimes he does and often he doesn't. He somehow just carries himself with this 'watching over' presence about him ... like he's watching over his friends and holding their best interests to heart.
He's always liked to understand what is the best way to do things and wants to understand this, when it comes to making sure his friends are feeling good and happy. I've been witness to this for two years now ... and it's such a privilege to know a child over that sort of time ... things just deepen ... and we got to know each other really well.
That's how it's been with Kornelius ...
He's also such a package of quiet surprises ... like today, after two years of visiting the farm and just not really being into the guinea pigs, he got the most excited I've ever seen him about them and just had to hold one. Week after week we've visited, he's happy to be there and happy for his friends to hold one though mostly says, 'Nah ... I don't want to hold one.' ... which is of course ok for us.
He's mostly loved how things all work together. Often asking questions about why things are the way they are ... and how things work ... and what their place is in life. Together with Samson there would often be great philosophical discussion for us all to ponder and when songs would emerge, Kornelius really wanted a pirate song. The first song that popped into my head, the day he first asked, that I knew about pirates, was Bob Marley's,'Redemption Song' ... so I sang it and week after week. When we'd settle in and find comfort with each other, Kornelius would ask, 'Can you sing that pirate song again?' ... he'd stop what he was doing, listen, watch me and leave me feeling like the best singer in the world.
When it came to games, whatever he, Samson and Oli came up with was ALWAYS the best game in the world, and without a beat, they'd just assume anyone else would want to be part of it ... imagination explosion would happened when he joined forces with those two and the air would be electrified with a fast paced, cracking adventure.
... and at times he'd come stand close and I could feel a big cuddle coming on and he'd happily plonk in my lap, chat and snuggle, and I'd find him gentle like a lamb and ever so sweet.
There's also the gentleman streak as he'd watch over, where he'd hold gates for us all ... or make sure we were all through something or over something ... at any rate, together ... it always mattered that we stuck together and while Redemption Song was your personal pirate anthem ... this became the theme song for us all while you were with us ...
I'm sticking with you
Kman so much has happened while you've been with us and we all love you heaps. I know I'm going to miss having you at the farm, yet also know you are ready for more of what life has coming your way. We know it's your birthday and you are about to head off to Norway for Xmas to see Mor Mor and have a totally different Xmas experience to what it's about here. We loved big sister Agnes, and now we know and love you and look forward to getting to know little brother Rolf and the journey for you family continuing.
Have the best of times and go knowing you really are a very dear and special little(ok not so little) man ...
Bye Kman ...
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