Welcome ...
This blog has been created to allow family and friends to share in and become part of the experience of 'Down at the Farm'.
Enjoy the children, their love for each other and their open hearted wonder and excitement.
Over time you will get to know the farm through their eyes and will see how they spend their day with each other in a very rich, organic way.
Each vignette is a snapshot in time. Follow from one to another, then on to more and you can share in our unfoldment and journey.
Enjoy your visit ...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I've become superfluous ...

I guess I could also have called this entry 'Mastering the artform' ... ... either way, this is what happened.

It's school holidays at the farm and that means, lots of people.

Today, Omkara, Finn, Harvey, Pepper and I made our way around the farm for hours avoiding the crowds, having fun and eventually way down in the stable paddock, in a quiet corner near the river, the children all really dropped into the zone together.

They were happy, really enjoying playing together and on top of a couple of small stands for the horse arena which were upside down and off the ground and perfect for a vehicle .. .. all were on a journey to go camping.

Out of the blue, Pepper piped up and said, "Excuse me danella, we don't need you anymore."

To which Finn soon added, "Excuse me... ...and we don't need you to listen to us."

Followed by Pepper again with, " ... and we don't need you to look at us either."

Rounded up with agreement from Harvey and Omkara, 'Yeah, we don't.. ..it's true we don't'

I laughed and for a moment caught myself thinking, 'I wonder what they are wanting to get up to ..' .. then knew I trusted them enough to say, 'O.K.,' and to just move to the side and slightly behind their play and to stare off into the distance with my head turned... ...knowing that with no eye contact happening and being out of view, it would be almost as if I wasn't there ...

... and that was that ...

I wasn't needed ...

... their play continued in the most ordinary of ways and later as I considered this some more, it seemed to me that the children  so trusted our process of being together that they recognised when they'd achieved real harmony and being together for themselves and were just caring to let me know... ...'Hey the stuff you're here for, we don't need it, we've got there ourselves!'

Extraordinary wisdom when you think of it ...

As I'd 'not listened' and 'not watched' and 'not been needed' ... ... I'd notice the childrens manners had been impeccable, their interest in each other genuine, their willingness to express themselves and listen to each other strong, their play creative and spirited and the harmony and love between them true and deep.

It was really true, they didn't need me and I didn't mind at all ...

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