Welcome ...
This blog has been created to allow family and friends to share in and become part of the experience of 'Down at the Farm'.
Enjoy the children, their love for each other and their open hearted wonder and excitement.
Over time you will get to know the farm through their eyes and will see how they spend their day with each other in a very rich, organic way.
Each vignette is a snapshot in time. Follow from one to another, then on to more and you can share in our unfoldment and journey.
Enjoy your visit ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lots of love to share today ...

Henri joined us today, and with him he brought a lot of heart to the group.

Henri was openly sharing his love for all his new friends, giving them lots of cuddles all day long. Ella and Eden got along really well, sharing many cuddles too. I think this helped Eden’s feelings of being away from his twin sister Mika, who spends the day with danella's gang having her own adventure.

 We ventured all around the farm, having cuddles with the guinea pigs, climbing on the dragon hill near the pigs and then finding ourselves in the goats paddock down the back of the farm.  Here we said a quick hello to the goats and proceeded to play in the goat shelter and rolling in the grass for hours. Luke and Henri played builders while Eden, Ella and Archie played find the ingredients for our salad…….

I was grateful for the goats paddock as it seemed to create a beautiful feeling of togetherness and from that we had a wonderfully close, loving day!

Everyone wearing Ella's hat ...

A whole lot of cuteness and cuddles ...

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