Welcome ...
This blog has been created to allow family and friends to share in and become part of the experience of 'Down at the Farm'.
Enjoy the children, their love for each other and their open hearted wonder and excitement.
Over time you will get to know the farm through their eyes and will see how they spend their day with each other in a very rich, organic way.
Each vignette is a snapshot in time. Follow from one to another, then on to more and you can share in our unfoldment and journey.
Enjoy your visit ...

Monday, July 23, 2012

On the hunt ...

Today Jesse, Molly, Clara and Charlie began getting to know each other with a little chat started by Jesse.  Once all the children stood together, Jesse looked at them and said, 'I'm Jesse and I'm three.'

What an icebreaker.

We soon heard about how old everyone was, how good Charlies dinosaur birthday cake was when he turned three, what everyone's name was, how great birthdays are ... and with all the important info on the table at the start of the day ... it felt good to start off on our day.

We firstly went to hunt out where Boss was.   He's the newest little farm cat.   A few months old and not looking like a baby anymore, though still very kittenish in his play.

We found him in the garden and caught up with him as he stalked the duck weed in an old bath tub.

Boss showed little interest in us, though I could see he had one eye on us ... maybe wanting us to follow him and play.  Which we did for a bit, then headed into the back paddock to just take in the day.   

Mud puddles, sand play and a big walk followed ... on the hunt this time to find horses.   Along the way we found the goats instead and they were such a delight, that we forgot about the horses and continued on our journey ... playing and climbing and exploring for ages.

We picnicked and eventually found our way down into the vege garden where the step on the tool shed seemed a pretty good place to rest.

Molly holding court ...

... then everyone noticing me ...

Charlie almost jumped out of his skin when he saw this dandelion flower all ready for a good blow ...

Jesse thought that was a pretty fine thing to try too..

We found some gorgeous sunshine to sit in for a while ..

Molly and Charlie looking all earnest as they sat for a moment and thought about what to do next ... turned out it was to be pancake making!  As fast as I could get them in the pan, Jesse would gobble them up and this had everyone in stitches.

After lots more play and fun, we ended our day in the guinea pig house where cuddles with little furry friends.  This was a big hit all round.   I've heard already, that Charlie has gone and let mum Tamie know he's ready for a guinea pig at home.  No surprise that as Charlie was totally enamoured with the experience and Jesse had the giggles as his little guinea pig kept wriggling.  Jesse was convinced it was tickling him.

Jesse and Nibbles

Molly and Munchie

Charlie and Snuggle Pot

Clara and Cuddle Pie ... tenderly feeding her little friend.

... as it turns out, what we found on our hunt was ... a very good day for all.

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