Welcome ...
This blog has been created to allow family and friends to share in and become part of the experience of 'Down at the Farm'.
Enjoy the children, their love for each other and their open hearted wonder and excitement.
Over time you will get to know the farm through their eyes and will see how they spend their day with each other in a very rich, organic way.
Each vignette is a snapshot in time. Follow from one to another, then on to more and you can share in our unfoldment and journey.
Enjoy your visit ...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Each can teach ...

With the air cool, the sky grey, fire blazing in the barn and the farm reasonably quite, Dan Archie, Mieka and I set off on a bit of a 'getting to know you' sort of day ... and of course some fun and adventure.

The three children were delightful all day long and enjoyed themselves and each other a lot.

Eggs were collected first thing and now with the new reception area at the front we found it's quite a hike to deliver the eggs we found to the farmers.  Two out of three made it though the broken ones are always great to feed the pigs.  We took our broken one there and it was gobbled up in a flash by new mum Moira.

Gotta smile in there Dan?

How precious ...

So early I'm feeling a bit shy ...

Dan was the teacher of how encouragement is a powerful thing when given with an intent for a child to feel their own strength and success.

He wanted to climb the Peppercorn tree yesterday, asked for help and told me he couldn't do it.  I sized Dan up and the climb he wanted to do and said, 'Dan, I think you can.  I know it's a big tree but you've got long legs, you are strong and I know it would feel great for you to do it yourself.'

I felt strongly that all I needed was to hold the intent and to encourage and that at the very least Dan would get a real strong sense of his own capability.  Such an empowering thing.

Dan gave a little try, not sure of himself yet and I added. 'I'm right here Dan, right behind you, you are safe, I won't let you fall and I bet you can do it.'

Well that was all he needed.  He placed his feet and reached high for somewhere to hold and pulled with a whole new attitude of 'I can and I will' ... he waivered a moment and his bottom dropped back and I put my hand out so he had that to 'sit' on for just a moment saying, 'I'm still here Dan, if you need a little push I can but I still think you can do this one.'

... an up he went.

He was really pleased with himself in the quitest and sweetest of ways.  Smiling a little coyly and shyly.  I looked and said, 'Well done Dan, you are strong and brave and you did it yourself.'  He just stood there in the fork of the tree taking it all in, feeling good about himself and basking in this sense of himself.   I took a photo and asked afte a bit, 'Would you like to see yourself up the tree?'  Which he did, and loved ... me adding, 'I'll put this on the computer so Mum and Dad can see Dan and maybe Mum will make a copy and put it near your bed so you can see it and remember how brave you are.'

That brought a huge smile from Dan and he hung out in that tree and contemplated some more while Mieka and Archie drew inspitation and had to try too ...

Then we had a dilemna to sort.

There are some cut off tree stumps under the Peppercorn tree.  They are hollowed out in the middle, great to climb on and hide in.  Once one person is in one, others can't help themselves.

Dan climbed in one, followed by Mieka and soon they were niggling at each other and Dan wanting Mieka out and Mieka insisting she was staying.

I asked what was wrong.  Together we all found out the real problem was not Dan or Mieka, but how to fit four feet comfortably in a small space.

Once that was sorted, Dan and Mieka sat in wonder and joy for a good 5 minutes just looking at how perfectly their feet fitted together.

Soon Archie joined in and having watched what just happened it was poetry in motion seeing how they figured out how to fit three people and six feet in so everyone was happy.  Children are a joy in this way, they learn so quickly and apply what feels good and right immediately.

Mieka checking the feet situation

Yay! We did it! .. all by ourselves with 6 feet to fit in.

Archie was the teacher of, 'I'm perfect in my own unique way'.  We were down the back playing in the sand, Mieka building with sand, Dan placing Witches hats and Archie interested in this yet also noticing all the tiny water puddles in the sand.  He kept joining in with Dan and Mieka and then walking to look at a puddle ... having a look at Dan and Mieka, then visiting a puddle.  Finally he let himself take a walk in the sand and to investigate all these tiny puddles because that's what he wanted to do most of all.

It's all happening here ...

Not bad Mieka

Calling Mieka

Archies land of magic and wonder ...

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