Welcome ...
This blog has been created to allow family and friends to share in and become part of the experience of 'Down at the Farm'.
Enjoy the children, their love for each other and their open hearted wonder and excitement.
Over time you will get to know the farm through their eyes and will see how they spend their day with each other in a very rich, organic way.
Each vignette is a snapshot in time. Follow from one to another, then on to more and you can share in our unfoldment and journey.
Enjoy your visit ...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sharing the love and warming hearts ...

Mm .. mmm today looked like this ...

... and it only takes a day or two of weather like that after a bout of cold for the blossoms to start appearing on the fruit trees ...

We wandered into the vege garden today to collect some spinach from my plot to feed the chickens.  We also found some good things to eat ...

Dan thought the carrot was pretty good ...

... and while we rested in the sun for a bit ... Archie dreamily munched his way through some of the fresh spinach we'd picked for the chickens!

Mieka was being super sweet with the chickens as Dan watched on ..

... and was soon joined by Archie

The guinea pigs were visited twice and Mac was total Mr. Chillout ... when other folk came in ... they took one look at Mac and melted.

Love abounded throughout the day and the hearts of many were touched by moments the children shared theirs with each other ...

The end of a very long hug between Mieka and Archie that stole the attention of a picnicking family nearby ... they all stopped eating and oohed and aahed as they took in the love being shared ...

Dan and Mac wandered along brothers in arms for ages ... stern faces melted and smiles widened as they innocently walked along ...

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