Welcome ...
This blog has been created to allow family and friends to share in and become part of the experience of 'Down at the Farm'.
Enjoy the children, their love for each other and their open hearted wonder and excitement.
Over time you will get to know the farm through their eyes and will see how they spend their day with each other in a very rich, organic way.
Each vignette is a snapshot in time. Follow from one to another, then on to more and you can share in our unfoldment and journey.
Enjoy your visit ...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Rain and cold doesn't stop us having fun ...

People often ask about rainy days at the farm ... we know how to do them well.  Yesterday was no exception ... freezing cold, pouring rain and Frieda, Ted, Ari and Mac had the BEST of days together.

The fire was on in the barn so anytime we needed, we could head back there to warm up and thaw out ... and while other visitors huddled in that space complaining ... nothing was going to stop this little gang from some time in the rain.   With hoodies and beanies on, we headed to the stables to find 'Boss' the little ... though, getting bigger fast ... kitten.   He was delighted to have our love and attention.   The children noticed the drain pipes running over and we had a fascinating time figuring out where the water came from ... and where it was going to.   Ecology in the moment as the children found out the rain fell on the roof, ran down the drain, was caught in the tank and when the tank was full it would spill over.   We also got to see how that connected with the windmill to make sure there was water all over the farm when needed.

Playing near the stables, one drain pipe was a  constant mini down pour.  When you've got gumboots and a good raincoat on, why not stand under it and experience the total delight of a natural shower ...  the children lit up over this, like it was the best thing you could possible be doing on a cold wet day.  With warm layers and the right gear, it actually is!

Frieda ...

Ted ...

Freida and Mac ... baking in the mud

Ari showing us all ... lifes good!

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