Welcome ...
This blog has been created to allow family and friends to share in and become part of the experience of 'Down at the Farm'.
Enjoy the children, their love for each other and their open hearted wonder and excitement.
Over time you will get to know the farm through their eyes and will see how they spend their day with each other in a very rich, organic way.
Each vignette is a snapshot in time. Follow from one to another, then on to more and you can share in our unfoldment and journey.
Enjoy your visit ...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A quiet closure ...

There was a very quiet little closure to the Tuesday group this week ... and sharing the day were Dan, Mac and Frankie.

By mid morning we found ourselves having covered the miles, having had lots of fun and climbing trees ...

What happened out of this is what was most needed I think ... we ended up in the schmooziest of huddles in the Witches Garden ... it was very gentle, deep and steady.  Three  beautiful children, lots of hugs and closeness and all enjoying just being together in the gentlest of surrounds.

It feels like a farewell without fanfare this time round ... and sort of feels the best way for this day to close.   In time I look forward to seeing some of the children join on other days of the week ... and wish Daniel only the best.  He's smart and a quirk ... a gentle soul too.  I've felt enriched deeply by him in these last weeks together.

Take a peek at him later in the day.  We'd gone in to visit the goats.  Dan noticed the ground was warm as he sat down on it and said, 'Hmm, I'm going to lie down here.'   He did, and then saw me with the camera and hid his face with a laugh.

Dan whatever Claire and Sam choose next for you, I wish you more space to grow and be you and good friends to share the journey with ...

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