Welcome ...
This blog has been created to allow family and friends to share in and become part of the experience of 'Down at the Farm'.
Enjoy the children, their love for each other and their open hearted wonder and excitement.
Over time you will get to know the farm through their eyes and will see how they spend their day with each other in a very rich, organic way.
Each vignette is a snapshot in time. Follow from one to another, then on to more and you can share in our unfoldment and journey.
Enjoy your visit ...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Igniting the team for the project ...

Kornelius has got this quiet quality about him that I see when he really feels something matters.   He likes to get things done really well and in a way that is good for everyone.
After we picnicked on Wednesday morn, the picnic blanket became a roof on a cubby ... it was thrown over a nearby table and wooden stump stools to creat a wonderful little space to climb into and play.
All of a sudden quite a few people appeared with food and drinks and children in tow and it was obvious our cubby was needed for other folk to picnic.
I talked with the children about moving and Kornelius scanned the surrounds and took things in hand. 
He pulled the picnic blanket off the table all the time holding it so it didn't fold up.   Next he started to rally the troops, 'Hey guys, get it here.' ... and he was showing the other children where he wanted them around the blanket so they could keep the roof of the cubby in tact.
Once by one the children cottoned on and Kornelius made adjustments to where everyone stood and held things until they all had the blanket in hand.
I asked, 'Are you going to carry that all the way to the Peppercorn tree?'  To which they all answered, 'Yep'
I replied, 'O.K., it's a long way though so you'll have to watch out for other people.'
Kornelius was really happy.  He had absolute faith they could do it and was feeling proud that everyone had joined his master plan and were eager to go.
The whole way we walked, he coached and encouraged and watched for people behind him.   The other three children were really happy to listen and cooperate and to take part in such an awesome task.
It was such a beautiful example of nothing's impossible and Kornelius was the visionary and master planner for this undertaking to happen ... right up to making it to the Peppercorn tree and immediately placing the roof over another structure (picnic table) ... as if they'd just delicately transported the whole cubby.

Everyone was thrilled with what they'd done and the look of deep happiness and total satisfaction on Kornelius's face was priceless.

Meanwhile the moments just kept rolling on in ...

Frankie was really pleased when she managed to do a piggy tail for herself ... that's the tiny flash of something in the end of her hair on the right ... oh if only I could show you the time and attention that went into that!

Jyra thought she was pretty fantastic with this trick ...

... and had a bit 'Oh, oh' moment after finishing her chocolate biscuit ...

Look at my hands ...

I'm not sure I like this part ...

Oh well, I can always laugh it off ...

Kornelius and Oli found themselves 1000 percent (yes I meant 1000), engaged in a game of pirates together ...

Kornelius came along to let me know what was happening ...

Oli soon joined him and together, at once I got a jam packed action version of events ... all at top speed and top volume ...

Our little slide show will show some more ..

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